Winter Challenge!

winter challeng snowman.png

Here is my Winter Challenge! I hope you like it! If you do it, please leave a link to my blog if you post it on your blog! 🙂 I would like that a lot! I would like it a lot if someone else would do this with me, so that I don’t have to do it alone! 😦 🙂 PLEASE!!!!!!! Your supposed to do one a day! And you can do #7 (Make a wintery Blog button!)  at the beginning of the ‘week’ or how ever long it takes to finish, and use it as a sign off! Then when it comes today 7 you can just show it in a bigger picture and say that’s why you made it! or whatever! If you have any questions PLEASE COMMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And for you who haven’t noticed it, please check out my Wanna Guest post page! HERE!

Also, for you who HAVE already seen it, I would say, that you should probably look at it again, because I changed it! 🙂 Thanks! And tell me in the comments if you want to do the Challenge! I would LOVE it! If you can’t do ALL the questions, then you can answer the ones you want and explain why you can’t do the others! Bye an-Oh and just to make it more fun, make it a different color each time you post it! If you don’t know how to make it a different color, visit THIS! Thanks! 






121 thoughts on “Winter Challenge!

  1. Pingback: Winter Challenge: Last Day | my little sister bakes

  2. Pingback: Photo of the Week ~ 12-07-15 | A Barefoot Gal

  3. Ooh, this sounds really fun! 🙂 But I think I’m going to probably do this sometime after Christmas, like maybe in January. I have my “25 Days of Christmas” thing going on, and then I might do Megan’s Christmas challenge, so I’d be kind of confused if I had three “challenges” to do at the same time. 😉


  4. Pingback: 5 things I love about Winter! | Cuddly Critters Blog

    • Okay!!!! I’ll probably be doing the first one today! Do you know how to design a blog button? At! just hover over design and pick what size you want then… Wala! You can make it! Can’t wait to see your first ‘5 things I love about winter’ post! And you can say that your doing ‘K.A.’s winter challenge’ and you can put the pic on your blog post too if you want to! 🙂


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