GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!! I MADE ANOTHER BLOG!!!!!!!! Don’t worry, I’ll still keep posting on this one, but I made a writing blog, so I’ll be continuing my series onΒ  there! because since this is an animal blog, it wasn’t that great to make writing on it….so I separated my stuff into two blogs!! πŸ˜‰ Like Alone but together I’ll continue on there. Just so you know!!! πŸ˜€ Oh, you want to know what it’s called!?? πŸ˜›

Bursts of Inspiration.

Do you like it!??? I already have three followers!! Yaaaay!!!!!! πŸ˜€ πŸ™‚ So… πŸ˜›

I’ve made my about page, and my first post! πŸ˜› If you check it out, I’ll tell you that the background pic and the header were both pictures I took! πŸ˜€ πŸ™‚ I made myburstsofinspiration last night!! Okay, funny story here too:

I went to make it, and I made the blog called ‘burstsofinsparation’ yeah! So I made it, because it wasn’t taken yet! Yeeeeaaah. Then after making it a bit..I realized that it WASN”T SPELLED RIGHT!!! *slaps forehead* Oh brother. So I deleted it, and made the URL of another one ‘myburstsofinspiration’, and then just CALLED it bursts of inspiration. (Since, burstsofinspiration WAS taken…) XD πŸ˜› Haha!! So therefore, I have Haha!!

Another funny story!

If you go to my new blog (let’s call it BOI shall we? Like Boing, with out the ng! :P), BOI, you’ll see that the header has a page from a book. Well…one of the words looks like it says ‘stoopi’! XD πŸ˜› Hahaha!!! That got us laughing pretty hard! πŸ™‚ xD πŸ˜› Haha! The pic is from the Scout book by the way! πŸ˜€ Okay, gotta go, but thanks for reading!!!
