Liebster Award!!!

Soooo… I know it’s been like FOREVER since I’ve blogged, and for that I’m sorry. I really should be doing more blogging….I’ll try to be better, I know I always say that, but I need to get an update on piglets/horses/etc posted.. Anyways, what better way to start off again but with a TAG!!! YAAAAAY!! Thanks so much Beezus for tagging me!!



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Le Rules:

  1. Thank the person who nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
  2. Display the award on your blog.
  3. Provide ten random facts about yourself (optional)
  4. Nominate 5-11 bloggers whom you feel deserved this award and have less than 200 followers.
  5. List these rules.
  6. Inform nominees.


Soo… (okay, that was weird, my family is watching a movie and I just heard a growl come from it.. okay, anyhoo) first of all I guess is the ten RANDOM facts about myself! πŸ˜‰ Bare with me here… (is that how you spell that kind of bare? Maybe it is Bear.. *bad spelling* I used to be better at it! ;)) Annnddd.. here we goooo!!! πŸ˜‰ I don’t know why I’m so happy right now.. I’m glad I am though! XD

  1. I can wiggle my ears
  2. I am trying to learn how to do a handstand (SHHH, don’t tell my friends! I want to surprise them!)
  3. I love maps
  4. One of my favorite animals is a dolphin, but I’ve never seen one in my life
  5. One of the things almost ALL of my friends know about me is I am totally in LOVE with Jeeps
  6. I’ve never had a boyfriend and I hope not to until I’m at least 17.
  7. I want to adopt when I get older
  8. I have a red/brown spot on my right green eye.
  9. I went on a life changing missions trip recently that was AMAZING!! (guys that went on the trip with me- I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!)
  10. When I came back from my trip I didn’t realize how much I missed my pig. He wouldn’t stop rubbing on me! Mom and dad said he went into a depression when I left. Anyways, I love him SO MUCH!

And there you go! Usually it takes me a LOT longer to think up that many facts about myself! Were there any of those you didn’t know? πŸ˜‰

I nominate…. Uhhh….





That’s all I can think of that have under 200 followers possibly! πŸ˜‰