BIBPC- Category 2 & 3

I think this is the third category…right? If it’s not, please correct me someone! XD haha! 😉 Anyways, I will show you my second and third category pictures. I didn’t have enough time before the 2nd category to post it, so I emailed it in, but I DID get one taken. 😉 😉 Here they are! My first one (which Megan has already seen) is for “Circles”. Here:


My Slinky! 😉

Here are my pics for the second category! ALSO MEGAN LISTEN TO THIS:

Here is my picture for Circles for the person that didn’t enter one: Sorry its kinda creepy! XD


Does that count for circles? I was having fun taking pictures of my eyes (weird) and I got this one! My pupils are circles, that should count! XD BTW, see what I mean about the red spot on my eye? Red/brown… spot. Anyways, I never realized I have yellow/brown around my pupil..that’s weird. Anyways, there you go kiwi person that didn’t enter last time.

Here’s my other one!


Books at the local library.. 😉 Of course the dog books…

Story behind the picture- We were in town for a scavenger hunt and before it started we stopped by the library to waste some time. I decided to get my picture there- because, really, what better place to get a book picture except a library? So I tried a few different angles and settled with this picture.

I hope you enjoy!!! 😉 I took some pictures of Rossi *our adorable pup* and I hope to post some pictures soon. I’ll give you a sneak peek here…


Is she not SO CUTE??? She’s pretty old now, but she’s still stinkin’ adorable!!! She’s really cute when she sticks her ears straight up too!! She’s just a sweet-heart. (with a LOOOT of energy) Funny story too, she LOVES this chew toy. I got it for her when she was tiny, just cause I didn’t think the other ones would last long (they didn’t, the other dogs found them and destroyed them) and I thought she’d like this when she got older, and she LOVES it. Every time I let her out of her pen, she runs to it and carries it around with her everywhere-but she knows not to bring it in her pen. 😉 Haha! More pictures of Rossi-coming SOON!

~K.A~ Thanks for reading!! Hope you enjoyed the few pics! 😉 😉

74 thoughts on “BIBPC- Category 2 & 3

  1. Ooh, your eye is really pretty, K. A.! It’s neat that you have green eyes – I don’t know very many people with green eyes. 🙂 I actually didn’t notice the red spot until you pointed it out! And I like the picture of the books too! 😀
    Aww, it’s so funny about Rossi and her chew toy. XD

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hahaha!! Thanks! 😉 That’s nice of you! Really? I know quite a few it seems like… my sister, a few of my friends….maybe their not as common where you live. 😉 haha! Thanks though!
      Thank you!
      I know! It’s adorable when she runs around with it in her mouth though! Especially now that she’s not a tiny puppy! XD


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