Okay, so I guess that WASN’T the last one! XD 😛 Hehe! 🙂 Here is the last one! 😛 It was ‘Edits’ so I’m suppose to put a before and after! 😉 Here:





Not that great…but it should work…right? 😀 🙂 :/ 😕 🙂

Maybe I’ll still make a …thing? 😛 XD A POSTER! That’s what I was going to say! 😛 🙂 Maybe! 🙂 I nearly forgot the story!! 😀 Here:

I was outside (la-de-da) playing with Aggie and remembered the neat pics I had taken of Fleece, so I got her on the top, and ACTUALLY GOT HER TO SIT! ISn’t that AMAZING?? I got her to SIT! 😛 XD JK! 🙂 I ended up getting some neat pics! 🙂 I hope to maybe use some in a story for like…a prompt sometime! 😀 🙂

17 thoughts on “BIBPC!

  1. Um, this isn’t related to the post, but I just want to know something. I’m following you and I didn’t realize this, but . . . I’m not getting ANY emails or updates. Has this happened before and do you know how to fix it? :/ Thanks, I don’t want to miss any posts! 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks for following me…hmmm.. No. But ..let’s see…… did you click the ‘Follow’ button on the side? And when you scroll up and down, does it appear saying ‘following’? Or right after you clicked it, did it say “posts from this blog will appear in your reader”?? :/


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