
No, not of the baby goats, for there are no babies to take pics of. 😦 But I still think you’ll enjoy it!! 😉 🙂 😛 They’re of…TONS of things! XD Here goes! XD I’ll be surprised if you make it through them ALL!! XD There ARE a LOT! 😛 🙂

There was a beautiful sky last night, and of COURSE…I took PICTURES!! yay! 😛 Here they are! 😉 Isn’t it amazing!?

sky (2)

Isn’t that pretty!? I think this one might be my favorite!!!

sky (3)

I thought this one was neat, with the other things in the picture too!!! 😉

sky (4)

This one isn’t amazing, but I thought it was a little neat!!

sky (5)

It was about to rain, so that’s why there are some dark clouds in pics!!!


if you look close, you can see a horse in this pic! 😉 🙂 Isn’t that neat!?

sky (1)

Wow! The clouds look like a painting or something, don’t they!?!?


So, if you read those captions under the pics, you’ll understand that it rained…yup! And knowing me, I kept taking pics….until it RAINED! XD 😛 Sooo…ya, Here are some pics I took TODAY though! 😉 🙂 Here are pictures of animals’ eyes!!! Guess in the comments what animals they ‘belong to’!!!! I hope you enjoy this little ‘game’!!! They’re pretty easy, so you’ll probably guess them right away! 😉 🙂 In the comments I’ll tell you if you’re right…so make sure to make your guess BEFORE you read any comments! 😉 Here:

Here are more pics! XD I told you that I had a lot of pictures! 😛


I just HAD to braid her mane!! I LOVE this pic!!!

Don’t you love how detailed it is!? ♥ 🙂

horse (3)

Cutie!! ♥ I thought this one was adorable too! 😉

Okay! Now here are some more pictures, this time of our goats!!

I’ll show pics of grass later! BYE!!!!

47 thoughts on “Pictures!!!

    • XD Haha! 😛 🙂 Yup! We have A LOOOOT of horses!! OK, not THAT many! 😛 😀
      Thanks so much!!!!! 😀 😀 🙂 I’m glad you like them! 😀 Everyone seems to like this post! 😀


      • I looovvve horses!!!! I actually take horseback riding lessons, and I might be entering my first show soon! Wish me luck! 😉 I can see why! The foal is so cute!!

        Liked by 1 person

        • That’s great! Really!? neat!!! 😀 I’ve never been in a show, cause our horses are quarter horses, … like cutting horses!!! So we gather cattle on them, and move cattle! 😉 And get to train them too!!! 😀 😀 I do!!! I hope you have a good time!! 😀 🙂 Hehe! 😛 🙂 He is cute! His name is Scant! 😉 😛 I’ve been riding horses since I was born! 😉 😀


    • Thanks!!! That’s SO neat!! 🙂 I’ve seen it! It’s a great blog! Sadly though, I’m not sure how to like…follow blogspot blogs, and it’s harder to comment on them…sooo…I’m really sorry. I LOVE you blog (I think) …if you have a wordpress blog, I’ll follow IT!!!! But I’m just not quite sure how to do that with other types of ones….SORRY!! 😥 😦 :/ 😮


  1. Horse, dog, goat. Those are my guesses of the animal’s eyes!:D I love goat pupils, they are so cool and unique! Great pictures, I love taking photos of the sky, it’s so fun!:)

    Liked by 1 person

    • 🙂 Yup!! 🙂 😛 Yes! They are! Thanks!! YES!!! I love taking pics of BIRDS too for some strange, unknown reason! XD 😛
      I’m hungry….! XD Hehe! 😛
      ~K.A~ Thanks for this comment!!!!!


  2. That’s a neat idea about the eye pictures! I was thinking about doing that sometime but I haven’t got around to it yet. 🙂 Here are my guesses:
    #1. Horse
    #2. Dog
    #3. Goat
    And yes, the horsehair braid picture IS clear! I like how the braid is clear and the background is blurry. It’s also neat that you can see the other braids in the background. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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