God Works in Mysterious Ways

Lately I’ve been struggling with some hard things. One is that I figured out some of my good friends are moving away. 😦 And it didn’t help that I had a dead crab. Yeah, Derf. I always thought that he should be more out going. I finally decided that ” the LORD gave, and the LORD hath taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD.”  So I gave it over to the Lord.

                Kind of off track here, but for you who haven’t seen my comment to Aeryn about what my “religious” knowings are, you’re about to hear them. What version do I read? King James Version. John 3:16 and Romans say all the rest. “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” That’s it. God sent Jesus (his only son) to die for us on the cross. He shed his blood for us. Jesus was sinless, he never did anything wrong… at all! We don’t deserve what he gave us when he died on the cross. Then three days later he rose from the dead and then went to be with God again in heaven.  Romans 10:13 says “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” Ask God to come into your life and your heart and turn your sins and all the wrong you’ve done over to him and he will take away your burdens and put his righteousness upon you! God loves you! He created you. Would you make something you didn’t like? God said he cares for every sparrow that falls. Feel free to invite Jesus Christ into your life. Just tell him that you believe he died for you and that you would really like him to come into your life. Then turn your life around and witness to other people and tell them about God. If you have more questions leave a comment below.

               Okay, back to the first topic. So I gave it to the Lord. Well I had been doing tons of research for this Crab. It looked nasty! 😦 I thought it COULD have been molting but I knew that I was just hoping. I had REALLY lost hope because ALL the websites said the same thing: LEAVE THEM ALONE! Today when I went out to do my dog chores I was going to dig a hole to bury it in. (Did I mention it stunk?) I forgot to dig the hole, but by then I decided that I was definitely going to bury it. I went inside to feed my fish and turn on their light. I went over to turn on the crabs’ light too. The night before I had been trying to get the body into the box, and out of the shell. I didn’t want to see him… AT ALL!!! Well, dad said he wanted to see the bucket (that I had put him in). So I handed it over. He said that it was gone, wasn’t in the shell. Then I heard something wonderful:”this is the exoskeleton.” I couldn’t believe it! It looked EXACTLY like a crab! All the legs, the head! But when dad tipped the shell back there, tucked inside was a new light brown crab! I think when it saw something dark ahead of it, it just finished pushing the exo into the box, or as we were calling it the crab-casket.


This is the actual exoskeleton!

So now I have a new looking crab! So for you that have hermit crabs, DON’T JUST BURY THEM!!! I would say that you should try to get like a small box or something dark inside and if they are kind of hanging out of their shell, just try to get them in a little bit. Please feel free to leave comments below. I will try to answer! My blog kept saying that my password was wrong and wouldn’t let me in, but when this happened I just HAD to write a new post! 🙂 So God really DOES work in mysterious ways. Go to God in prayer.



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